Ayeesha Ayinla

︎ @ ayeesha_1

︎ https://up87029392f1.myportfolio.com/

︎ ayeeshaayinlaphotography@gmail.com

The Eye of The Beholder

The Eye of The Beholder is a series of documentary photographs that highlight social issues in the U.K. based on my personal observations of my home city, London. The concept behind this series came about when a local hostel in my neighbourhood announced that it would be knocked down to make way for a modern block of apartments so starting with my local area Bermondsey I went around and documented areas that stood out to me. Through personal observation, this final series of images has various symbols and messages that link to modern-day themes of classism, economical and socio-political issues running throughout that resonate against each other. I hope to use this series as a way to communicate the urgency of raising awareness about these topics to my audience.