Ayeesha Ayinla

︎ @ ayeesha_1

︎ https://up87029392f1.myportfolio.com/

︎ ayeeshaayinlaphotography@gmail.com

Cold Cases

180,000 people go missing every year in the UK and this figure has steadily risen over the past year with more and more people not knowing what happened to their loved ones. The concept of my project revolves around exploring and documenting a missing persons last movements whilst giving away as little information as possible. With inspiration coming from Manuel Vazquez  and The Berlin bloody robberies I began to take pictures in various locations in the hope that a story would be created but  this series of photographs starts to create more questions than answers about what happened to the victim. For private investigators feelings of compassion/empathy often have to be overlooked when it comes to looking into these cases due to the fear of becoming too attached, however I want this series of photographs to do the opposite to my audience and to remind them that this is real by using a storytelling approach as we start to go further into the mystery of what happened to our missing persons.